Impact of our Vision
At St Aidan's CE Academy, we aim to see our vision lived out in everything we do. Through our vision of 'Inspiring children to Love, Laugh, Learn and Live life in all it's fullness' we want our children, staff and community to live the best possible life.
We have collated some evidence of the impact of our vision in the pictures below.
As Edie in Class 5 said, ''It is not about the school vision being seen on the wall it is more important to see it lived out in school everyday, by the actions of everyone!''
What do Parents, Staff and Governors say about the impact of our school vision?
Quotes from St Aidan's CE Academy stakeholders showing our vision, values and SIAMS SEF statements in action.
Results from our Church school survey September 2022
What do parents think about our special Church School?
How do parents and children describe our school?
(results from year 5 children and parents leavers questionnaires)
Pupil voice May 2022
Parent Questionnaire Summer 2023
Children's Questionnaire Summer 2023
Walking Nativity 2022
Thank you to our wonderful Year 5's for their amazing production. A special thank you to Jerimiah the donkey who was impeccably well behaved!
Impact of our vision